How Our Abundant Universe Gives Us Our Visions

Thought for today: Many people think their dreams and hopes are impractical, or not worthy of their mental time.  Throughout the day, all kinds of thoughts, some audacious, come and go quickly without much action or notice, because by habit we tend to dismiss anything that is unusual for us.  But what if we toyed with these […]

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How To Nurture Our Financial Visions

Thought for today: We hear stories of people getting a windfall, or winning the lottery,  yet within a short time finding themselves in worse debt and isolation than ever. How could this happen? Achieving our visions – whether to be debt free, own a home, buy a car, or whatever else we personally aspire to do […]

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One Simple Technique to Help Develop Breakthrough Action Plans And Achieve Our Visions

Thought for today: Sometimes, in the darkest winter days (or even on a summer day) we have trouble getting motivated to do your bill paying, mail opening, and number tracking.  If we experience this kind of lethargy, we can consider the simple benefit of finding pleasant surroundings to ground us in our process of transformation.  This will […]

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March 21, Visions: Our Love Letter to the Future

Thought for today: When we first walk into a Visions meeting we may feel like a child, and kind of silly.  What is the point of taking scissors t paper and pasting images from magazines? In the program we talk a lot about Visions – our hopes, dreams and goals for the future. If we […]

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Why Embracing Our Visions Is So Important

Thought for today: When we explore our vision for the future, cutting out images from magazines of things we’d like to have, or writing our affirmations, we are honoring our Higher Power’s inspiration. Freeing our imaginations, we let our Higher Power work through us. We look at these images and affirmations from time to time […]

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How Visions Begin to Reverse Under-earning and Transform Our Lives

Thought for today: One member won a lottery and was shortly in worse debt than ever.  How could this have happened? They had forgotten (or had never learned) the lessons humility teaches.  They stopped humbly tracking their money and working the Twelve Tools.  They stopped growing along spiritual lines through the Twelve Steps. Old timers […]

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4 Ways to Eliminate Time-Clutter In Business and Personal Life to Achieve Your Vision

Thought for today: Sometimes to recover from compulsive debting it helps to develop our Visions for the future. A Vision board helps us map out where we want to head in the future, to make our Action Plan a reality.  We cut pictures out of magazines, and make collages with the things we want to get, do […]

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9 Ways to Unleash Our Spiritual Timing

Thought for today: Time can be our friend.  It takes time to grow plants, people, relationships. Time can also be our enemy if we suffer from time clutter addiction.  The adrenaline rush of “busyaholism,” overdoing, perfectionism, over-achieving, and information overload. Clutterers Anonymous (CLA) has a pamphlet about Spiritual Timing to help. A personal share: “I discovered the CLA […]

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4 Proven Ways To Stay Solvent

Thought for today: Prosperity doesn’t come from credit cards.  It comes when we increase our earning power, and by the decisions we make that matter most.  We need to make decisions that change our attitude about money, credit, and living within our means… A personal share: “I started to feel abundant way before I experienced […]

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A Solid Way to Abundance

Thought for today: Abundance comes when we take stock of our lives, make tough changes, and plot a new course.  But it takes time to clear the wreckage of our past spending habits. To start the process of getting better, we first need to turn the corner in our own attitudes, by letting go of the […]

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